Volume 1 - Issue 1
Application of the Window Function in the Plane Wave Synthesis Technique by Using FRFT
In this paper an attempt is made to study cosine window function and variation of parameters optimized by Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT) and its application in the plane wave synthesis technique. With the infinite long current filament as the scanning probe, the plane wave synthesis technique is simulation by using FRFT. The calculation results show that in the plane wave synthesis technique, the uniform degree of the amplitude and the phase of the quasi plane wave synthesized in the body under test zone can be improved greatly by weighting process of the current distribution of the array elements with the cosine window function. The calculation results show that in the plane wave synthesis technique, the uniform degree of amplitude and phase of quasi plane wave is synthesized in the body under test is obtained by FRFT.
Paper Details
PaperID: 6702252
Author Name: Rachna Arya
Author Email: -
Phone Number: -
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Keywords: ---
Volume: Volume 1
Issues: Issue 1
Issue Type: Issue
Year: 2014
Month: March