Volume 2 - Issue 1
Labour Welfare Facilities in Home Appliances Industries in Coimbatore
Labour welfare activities in India are urgently needed because India is an industrially backward county and the working conditions are satisfactory in Indian Industries. The workers are poor and illiterates and generally blamed for being Irresponsible and lazy. Labour welfare activities are necessary for improving their working conditions and economic needs for law constitutes a very significant and important element of the countrys population which helps for better production and for development of better citizens of the country. For this study 150 samples were selected from various Home appliance industries in Coimbatore. Analysis like percentage analysis, Chi-square and ANOVA were used. The studies showed most of the industries are not taking care of welfare measure for their labours.
Paper Details
PaperID: 6702639
Author Name: Dr.R. Karthikeyan
Author Email: -
Phone Number: -
Country: -
Keywords: Home Appliances, Labour Welfare Measures, Shift and Working Conditions
Volume: Volume 2
Issues: Issue 1
Issue Type: Issue
Year: 2015
Month: March