Volume 1 - Issue 4
Person Localization in Indoor Environment using Zigbee Technology
ZigBee technology based on wireless sensor network was designed and deployed in the indoor environment like chemical plant for person tracking. Because of the complex indoor environment in the chemical workshop, the method of positioning through GPS signal is hard to reach. This paper proposed a low power consumption, low cost ZigBee scheme which can overcome the above mentioned disadvantage. The project presents a new approach to establish a wireless technology for the locality of people location, and continuously track locations of these moving (people) in an indoor environment like chemical plant. Each person id will be transmitted and it will be received through RF receiver in the chemical plant section. Zigbee transceiver is used to transmit the processed information to monitoring section for further analysis. We can give any voice command or alert in case of any gas leakage or fire accident, to the staffs working in chemical plant through Zigbee. The temperature inside the chemical plant is always monitored by LM-35 and gas sensor MQ-5 is used for detecting the leakage of gas. The main advantage of this project is during the disaster like chemical explosions, the rescuers could get the exact location of the staffs who work in the workshop.
Paper Details
PaperID: 6702524
Author Name: K. Henny Davis
Author Email: -
Phone Number: -
Country: -
Keywords: ZigBee, Temperature Sensor, Gas Sensor, Indoor Localization, Nano Id, RFID
Volume: Volume 1
Issues: Issue 4
Issue Type: Issue
Year: 2014
Month: December