Volume 1 - Issue 1
Power Flow Analysis and Reactive Power Compensation Mi Power- A Case Study
In order to reliably operate the bulk electric grid, generators are expected to meet certain reactive power requirements depending on the system they operate in. In the past reactive power requirements were tailored to the capabilities of synchronous generators.It is now the trend that capacitor connected to substation should be required to provide reactive power support. Shunt capacitor banks are used to improve the quality of the electrical supply and the efficient operation of the power system. Studies show that a flat voltage profile on the system can significantly reduce line losses. Shunt capacitor banks are relatively inexpensive and can be easily installed anywhere on the network. This paper deals with a case study of a 53-bus system (400 kV, Hoodi receiving station). The study involves Load flow analysis and development of software package using MI-POWER, to study the effect of shunt capacitors and improvement of Power Quality
Paper Details
PaperID: 6702314
Author Name: Harini Vaikund, M. L. Manjunatha, V.K. Abhishek, B.T. Nagendra Murthy and G.S. Shiva Kumar
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Keywords: Load Flow Analysis (LFA), Shunt Compensators, Mathematical Formulation, Power Quality
Volume: Volume 1
Issues: Issue 1
Issue Type: Issue
Year: 2014
Month: March