Volume 5 - Issue 2
Reduced Recurrent Minimum Power Encoding Scheme for On-Chip Interconnects
Network on Chip (NoC) has been proposed as a suitable solution for today's on-chip communication challenges. Many of the existing on-chip interconnects based power dissipation methods are in parallel link communication. In this work, the serial link transmission based new data encoding plan is proposed to reduce the power in data transmission and lessen the number of self transition. The proposed Reduced Recurrent Minimum Power encoding (RRMP) approach estimates the correlation among each bit in the data stream. The suggest RRMP serial links in NoC architectures can provide savings in the power consumption, reduction of area, and timing delay by adjusting the transition of serial data bit. The encoding method has been verified with different order of data streams. The proposed RRMP encoder and decoder have been coded in VHDL, simulated using Modelsim simulation tool and synthesized using Xilinx ISE 13.2. The simulation result shows the possible reduction in power distribution than other existing systems. The proposed RRMP scheme is targeting on Xilinx Virtex-6 XC6VLX75T device.
Paper Details
PaperID: 1841033
Author Name: Bharathi Subramaniam and Gowrison Gengavel
Author Email: -
Phone Number: -
College: Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode.
Country: India
Keywords: Network on Chip, Serial Communication, Power Dissipation, Reduced Recurrent Minimum Power Encoding, Bit Transition.
Volume: Volume 5
Issues: Issue 2
Issue Type: Issue
Year: 2018
Month: May
Pages:102 - 116